Primary Classes
Our Primary Classes are made up of composite classes, which cater for the following students; Genesis ( Kindergarten, and Pre-Primary), Romans (Year One to Year Three), and Kings Class (Year Four to Six).
As shown by research, a composite class is a game changer when it comes to students learning experiences. It enhances students’ learning development in numerous ways and is beneficial to both older and younger students. For example, students are provided with differentiated learning activities that are aimed at meeting or extending their individual learning needs. The older students take on the mentoring role and benefit from helping younger students during collaborative learning teams. Younger students integrate quickly into well-established class routines as modeled by older students and benefit from the support given by both the teacher and their peers. This results in students developing greater respect for individual differences across the board.
Literacy and Numeracy
The Primary School has a strong focus on Literacy and Numeracy and is aimed at enhancing students’ learning by providing them with enrichment programs, which are embedded in the teachers’ planning and teaching practice.
The school uses the Daily Five program, which is implemented across the three primary classes. It consists of five activities, namely: Guided Reading, Word Work, Read to Self, Listen to Reading and Writing. The purpose of this program is to develop independence and stamina in students, whilst improving their literacy achievements through Sharp Reading strategies, the Sound Waves phonemic approach, PM, and Talk for writing.
Our students engage in the Daily Three Program during numeracy activities. They work with the teacher during guided practice, engage in hands-on activities as a group, and work independently on Mathletics activities to reinforce and consolidate their understanding of the concept being taught.
Term Dates