Christian Living
CAPS is a Bible-centred Christian school; therefore, the study of Christian living is based on scriptural doctrine. Initially, students learn about the components of the Bible, how it was written and what it describes. Next is the study of Christ (Christology), His miracles and His attributes. Classwork is based on reading scripture, with activities adjusted for different reading levels.
CAPS students endeavour to know more about Christ, to have sufficient knowledge of God’s word to guide their daily living. Three aspects of CAPS—hostel living, the school, and the church—achieve the vision of the CAPS founders, creating a Christ-centred education for younger generations. This vision is realised by encouraging students to participate in spiritual activities as an outward manifestation of classroom activities. Students are encouraged to lead youth groups, church programs and service work. Theology studied is made relevant through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and through application to the world in which we live.
When CAPS students responded to the message, the school administration realized a need to serve those students who were new believers or interested in rededicating themselves to understanding more about the Bible, salvation, baptism, prayer and their overall relationship with God. In addition to the school class, students may participate in an evening Bible study, prayer meeting and youth program.
Term Dates