Start of day
We believe it is important to start the day of with the right attitude therefore we gather on Mondays and Wednesdays for morning meetings and the other days for class devotions. Taking advantage of every minute of learning at school is important to success.
Breakfast club
Starting the day of on the right foot starts with what you eat therefore we offer students the opportunity to participate in the breakfast club. The breakfast club operates from Monday to Friday 8am to 8:25am.
Literacy and Numeracy
A core focus area is literacy and numeracy which is reflected in the allocation of extra periods on the school timetable. From Early Childhood to year 12 our students undergo continuous assessment to determine each student’s strengths and weaknesses with the goal of university entry.
Students gather in their respective areas around the school grounds eating lunch with their friends and on Thursdays eating lunch and playing games within their big brother and sister mentor program. Canteen is open to provide students with a wide variety of options.
All students from early childhood to year 12 partake in weekly physical education classes allowing students to develop fine motor movements, interpersonal skills, skill development and leadership.
Outdoor Education is one of the five pillars of CAPS Coolgardie and all students partake in ODE classes as well as day trips and overnight camps. The goal is to enjoy the outdoors but to develop new skills as well as leadership and character.
All K-12 students participate in Bible classes and as it is one of our five pillars, spiritual development is an important component to the mission and vision of school. As the school verse states on the front of our school: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (Proverbs 1.7).
Subject areas
CAPS Coolgardie teaches a range of courses in society and environment, science, art, health, Information technology and language. Providing a challenging and diverse curriculum is important to us.
The use of the arts to build confidence is an integral part of the mission of CAPS Coolgardie. Our specialist music teacher allows every student the opportunity to read, compose and perform musical pieces. The annual music recital and gospel concerts as well as the school string ensemble group allow every student to enjoy the art of music.
CAPS Coolgardie since its establishment has focused on character development and it is an integral component of the school curriculum. The development of character is as important as teaching rigorous academic skills and both are critical to the success of our students at CAPS Coolgardie and in college and life. The significance of implementing character into the school curriculum can be seen in the establishment of weekly reflection and student character reports.
As every CAPS Coolgardie student finishes their school day, we want them to leave with a smile, knowing we are all working on the same goal of becoming productive in the community, work environment and in tertiary studies.